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Complete A Venice Short Sale With No Real Estate Commissions Paid

“I want to complete a Venice short sale, but how can I afford a real estate agent when I can’t even afford my home?” This is a question homeowners ask themselves every day and sadly, many of them never look to find the right answer and end up losing their home to foreclosure. The truth of the matter is that you CAN afford a Venice short sale expert to sell your home because the cost to the seller is absolutely free. Yes, working with a Venice short sale agent to complete a Venice short sale comes at no cost to the homeowner.

You may be asking yourself how that works and it’s really quite simple. When your Venice short sale agent negotiates the terms and final costs of your Venice short sale with your lender, their fees and commissions are included in that final selling price. This means there’s no out of pocket expense to the homeowner when it comes to paying your Venice short sale agent’s commissions and fees. Can you imagine how many more distressed homeowners would complete a Venice short sale if they knew that they didn’t have to pay real estate commissions and fees? A Venice short sale agent’s main priority is to help the homeowner get back on their feet financially without having to ensure anymore debt or financial distress. By having the lender pay the real estate commissions, this is one more thing a Venice short sale seller doesn’t have to worry about.

Now that you know that you don’t have to pay commissions to your Venice short sale agent, don’t you want to get the process started? It’s completely possible for you to walk away from the closing of your home without spending any money out of pocket. Contact your Venice short sale agent today to find out more and to get your Venice short sale started.