Toni Patillo

California Mudslides, Earhquakes, Fires – How to Prepare & Manage!

Guestpert : Toni Patillo
Category : Today’s Headlines
Tags : Natural Diaster, California, Mudslides, Morning News

Ms. Patillo is the Principal and Broker for Toni Patillo & Assoc.’s, a Residential & Commercial Real Estate Company whose expertise is in the liquidation of properties for people who are selling due to particular circumstances. Leading her own sales team, in standard sales and purchases, Toni Patillo & Associates has a specific niche in Senior Transition sales, Probate, Trust sales, Bankruptcy, Divorce, Short Sales, and Pre-Foreclosure liquidations.

Any and Everything is subject to change –

Understanding the relevance of material possessions – as a Homeowner

Seven Spiritual Laws of Success: Deepak Chopra- The Sixth Law of Success is the Law of Detachment. Which says that in order to acquire anything in the physical universe, you have to relinquish your attachment to it. This doesn’t mean you give up the intention to create your desire. You don’t give up the intention, and you don’t give up the desire. You give up your attachment to the result.

Pre- Natural Disaster Homeowner Tips:

Make sure you have appropriate insurance coverage for natural hazard disasters.

Always keep an evacuation bag packed. (Extra cloths, sleeping bags, blankets, lanterns any valuables, emergency cash, iPad, tablet, laptop etc.,)

If you have pets you should keep an emergency pack together for them.

Always keep plenty of extra emergency food and water on hand

Keep extra lanterns, flashlights and batteries on hand.

Turn off the gas valve shut off, unplug any and all electrical devices and equipment.

Always keep additional mobile device equipment charged (i.e battery charger, extra batteries)

When you are warned to evacuate- Follow the instructions.

Post- Natural Disaster Homeowner Tips:

First, if you have the ability, contact family and friends to inform them you are safe. If you don’t have access to a phone, contact the nearest fire department, or other available resource to inform your love ones of your safety.

Second, contact your insurance provider to report a claim. You must confirm your insurance coverage and ask your insurance provider what resources are available to you.

Third, contact the nearest trauma resource center or RedCross to determine what resources are available for your support; including, clothing, food, shelter. Also ensure you have cell service, or go to the nearest cell phone store to purchase a new cell phone.

Rebuilding your home is governed by your insurance policy coverage. It is important to contact your insurance provider for clarity on your coverage.

Natural disasters can significantly effect the housing market. For instance, California has a shortage of inventory available of the market, so a natural disaster can make the inventory become even more scarce. Rental rates are also at an all-time high, with low supply, causing rental rates to increase due to the rise in housing demands. It is important to evaluate your insurance policy coverage to determine what you can afford in our market.