Toni Patillo

Practical Eldercare Home Safety Tips

When was the last time you took a good look at your elder loved ones home? If it’s been a while, I want you to imagine what it’s like for him and/or her to spend 60% – 70% of their day navigating their home in it’s current state. Do you see the pitfalls? Can you recognize the potential dangers? 90% of older Americans want to age in place, but that means staying vigilant. There are many changes eldercare professionals whom I work with recommend to create a safer environment in your loved ones home. They range from no cost to expensive, so I’ve broken them down below to make it easy to reference.


There may be resistance to some of these changes and that’s understandable. After all, you’re suggesting to an adult that they are not safe in their own home. Let he or she know that you’ve made many of these changes in your own home.


Here are some low-cost changes ranging from $35-$75 that will make a home even safer.

Now, I understand that you want to keep the cost as low as possible. You may even get pushback on cost from your loved one if they’re worried about spending your money. Totally legitimate concerns; however, I will not budge on the following issue. You must find a recommended/vetted company or handyman to install these additions. Handrails improperly installed can be worse than no handrails at all.


Here are just a few options in the higher-cost range that can help keep your loved one in his or her home.

If you’re unsure how to find skilled professionals to make these changes, AARP and the National Association of Home Builders have developed a certification program for remodelers and builders focusing on home design and the needs of aging people called the Certified Aging-In-Place Specialist. You can find the list here.

If you’re looking for additional resources on eldercare and related subjects go to

If you’d like to stay connected, you can find Toni Patillo on, twitter: @tonipatillo and email: toni(at)tonipatillo(dotted)com(dotted)