Toni Patillo

New To The Area? Work With A Veteran Venice Realtor For An Easy, Worry-Free Experience

Are you new to the area and are looking for a Venice realtor to help you find a home that fits your lifestyle and needs? If so, we’d like to encourage you to contact the experienced Venice realtor team at Toni Patillo & Associates. Being one of the most knowledgeable and successful Venice realtors is something that Toni and her team prides themselves in. When you choose to work with them, there are a number of different services that they’ll provide to help find the perfect home for you and your family.

When you first begin working with this Venice realtor, they’ll educate you about the current market trends and what you can expect when beginning your home search. These Venice realtors believe that a homebuyer can never be too educated so they strive to always keep you up-to-date. After educating you about the market they’ll discuss your wants and needs with you. What type of home are you looking for? What is your price range? What characteristics and options are wants and which ones are needs? Once you’ve gone over your “wish list” with them they’ll show you homes that fit within all of your criteria and hopefully help you find a house that feels like home. Once you’ve found this home they’ll negotiate the terms of the sale with the seller’s agent and refer you to any additional professionals that you may need help from, such as an inspector or real estate attorney. Lastly, one of the most important pieces that the Venice realtor team at Toni Patillo & Associates will do for you is complete any paperwork, contacting you when necessary as well as handle any issues that may come about.

When you move to a new area and try to find a home it can be very overwhelming but it doesn’t have to be. When you work with a veteran Venice realtor like Toni Patillo and her team, buying a new home in a new area is as easy as we’ve just made it sound.