Toni Patillo

Facing Divorce And Need A Venice Realtor To Help You Short Sale?

If you have felt the financial stress of the poor economy and are facing divorce you may be worred about what is going to happen to your home. Neither you nor your spouse can afford to pay the mortgage on your own and you’re pretty sure that you owe more than what it is currently worth. Venice realtor Toni Patillo wants you to know that many lenders will approve a short sale on your property if you’re going through a divorce.

If a short sale is something you feel you and your spouse would consider there are a few important things that Venice realtor Toni Patillo wants you to take note of before moving forward. First and foremost, when completing a short sale, especially in a divorce, it is best to work with a short sale expert. The team at Toni Patillo & Associates are some of the most experience Venice realtors when it comes to short sales and they are here for you. Second, it’s important to think of life after the short sale and divorce. Where will you live once your home is sold? Is it possible for you to each have your own home? How are you going to divide up your possessions? While some of these are things that you would have to ask yourselves regardless of whether you’re completing a short sale or not, it’s best to deal with these issues beforehand instead of right before you close on your home. Any experienced Venice realtor will be able to help you work through these questions as well as help you find a new place to call home once your short sale is completed.

If you’re considering divorce and need to sell your home please contact the experienced Venice realtors at Toni Patillo & Associates. When you work with a Venice realtor that is experienced in both divorce and short sales like Toni Patillo and her team, they can help you solve your real estate problems by completing a short sale so that you can focus on new aspects of your life.